what is the meaning of the color blue in a dream? Short answer? It’s more complicated than you think.
The color blue gets attributed to royalty and responsibility. It is seen among some professions like the police force and even the medical profession.
Dreaming about blue may symbolize many negative and positive factors. You may dream of blue about nature; the sky, ocean, lake, natural stone, or animal. Or you can dream of blue about a room or a cloth.
Your dreams may be related to the appearance of the blue concerning its setting. For example, a clear blue sky may mean a fresh start, a bright future, hope, or positivity.
These meanings may be related to the setting in which the blue occurs. For example, a clear blue sky during rainy seasons may not favor farmers.
Your dreams may also relate to whatever happens to you in the blue setting. Maybe you are drowning in the blue lake or sea, attending a wedding in a blue dress, or even in distress. It may also be that a blue light is shining toward you. These dreams may have different meanings depending on the setting, as explained in detail in these dreams.
What does the color blue symbolize?

Blue is often associated with feelings of reliance and devotion. It is considered a symbol of stability and reliability.
Maybe you are always financially stable and have a giving heart. You never want to see anyone close to you suffer because you know how it feels. You always help those around you in times of need at any time.
Blue also represents calm and serenity, as it is a fantastic and soothing color. For example, your girlfriend is behaving embarrassingly in public. You try to talk her out, but she starts arguing with you. All the while she’s talking back and abusing you, you are silent. You know, talking back will make the situation worse. You act as gently as possible because all you need is peace.
The color blue may also represent dependability and responsibility. For example, your parents die while you are in high school. Your relatives want to take away your siblings to support them, but you don’t want this. You want to stay together with them, and you venture into hustling to help support your sibling. You have made it your duty to ensure they get whatever they want.
Lastly, blue may also get related to creativity and inspiration. The color of the sky and the sea, both vast and open spaces, can be inspiring.
Maybe you admire a particular political leader because of how he articulates himself. You love how he handles matters in a just and organized way. He even makes you want to be a political leader in the future so that you can emulate his character.
What does it mean if you dream about the blue sky?

Dreaming of a blue sky can symbolize positivity and a sense of hope. If the blue sky in your dream is bright and cheerful, it may symbolize a positive outlook or a sense of optimism. You may have been moving up and down looking for a job to no avail. One day you help someone of goodwill, and they refer you to a company that offers to hire you. Your openness has finally landed you a job.
A blue sky in your dream can symbolize freedom and openness. Maybe your parents think you are not yet old enough to walk alone or stay alone. They constantly check on you because they think you might mess up your life. All you want is the benefit of the doubt from your parents so you can do your things your way.
The color blue is often associated with feelings of calm and serenity. Maybe you have always handled all family-related quarrels, which never end. You pray for a time when you can have your own space without ever being called on to sort out other problems.
A clear blue sky in your dream can symbolize a fresh start or a new beginning. If you have recently undergone a significant change or transition, dreaming about a blue sky may reflect your feelings about this new chapter. Maybe the change is all you need to start a new phase of your life. Peace is all you desire since you have never had any in your previous phase of life.
What does it mean to see a crystal blue sky?

A crystal blue sky can symbolize positivity and a sense of longing. Maybe the crystal blue sky in your dream is bright and cheerful. It may symbolize a positive outlook or a sense of optimism.
Imagine you have joined campus, and all the remaining savings get used on you. Back at home, things are not financially okay, and you feel guilty about the situation. You look for organization sponsorships, and you get full support. Your family now has nothing to worry about because you are okay.
Dreaming of a crystal blue sky may symbolize transparency and understanding in your waking life. Maybe you are confused or unsure about something in your waking life.
Your dream about a crystal blue sky may express your desire for clarity. Maybe you feel that your father is so harsh on you and does not treat you well. You start questioning whether he is your dad because no natural parent would treat his child like he treats you. You want to know if he is your dad because you feel uncomfortable around him.
Your dream about a crystal blue sky can represent a sense of liberation and honesty. If you feel confined or restricted in your waking life, dreaming about a crystal blue sky may express a desire for more freedom or independence. Maybe your parents have always been strict with you because they feel you are still young. You get to join campus and have all the freedom you’ve ever wanted. No parent can tell you what to do and how to do it.
What does it mean to dream of crystal-clear water?

Dreaming of crystal-clear water can be a positive and refreshing symbol. Water is often associated with emotions, cleansing, and renewal. Maybe you feel that you have been overworking at work and haven’t been able to get time off.
You need a break to clear work-related issues from your mind to make you feel better. You think you have given your work enough attention and must work on your inner peace.
The clarity of the water in your dream could show a sense of purity or understanding. Maybe you have been trying to understand why everything in your life is not working as expected.
You need clarification because you do everything as expected. It would be best if you had the reassurance that everything would be okay.
Your dream could symbolize a desire for coherence or resolution. Maybe you have been blaming yourself for something that happened to a family member. You never did anything that directly affected whatever happened to them. You yet still feel you contributed. You want to find a way to make things right between you and them as much as you were indirectly involved.
Your dream could relate to your physical need for hydration. The body sometimes signals its need for water through dreams. In this case, the dream might be a reminder to drink more water during the day. Maybe you have been working out and must remember to replace water lost in sweat. Your dream may be trying to remind you to replenish whatever is lost.
What does it mean to dream about a blue lake?

Dreaming about a blue lake could symbolize a variety of things. The meaning of your dream gets determined by you. It, however, becomes influenced by various personal and cultural factors.
For example, your dream about a blue lake might mean peace and calmness to you. This meaning may be because of your personal life experiences and surrounding. To others, it may mean something else based on very different factors.
Alternatively, the dream could symbolize a desire for honesty or resolution. The clarity and stillness of water can often symbolize the clarity of thought or understanding.
Maybe you did to your partner, and she decided to become silent. She will talk to you when you apologize, but you are unaware of what you should apologize for. You would want to have a sit down with her to get a clear understanding of whatever it is that you did.
Your dream about a blue lake could relate to your need for rest and relaxation. A lake’s peaceful, natural setting can often be seen as a place of rest and rejuvenation. In this case, the dream might be a reminder to take some time to rest and recharge.
Maybe you have been working online and need more time to sleep. Your job is very demanding, and you can only sleep for 4 hours daily because of the increased workload. You feel that the job might mess up your mental health if you don’t take a break to rest your mind.
What does it mean if you dream of being in a blue dress?

The color blue is often associated with feelings of trust and loyalty. You may feel strong trust or loyalty in your waking life. Dreaming about wearing a blue dress may reflect these feelings.
Maybe you have had a friend for over ten years, and they have always been helpful. You feel your friend has become part of your family, and you are never afraid to share anything with them. He knows all your family issues and, at times, helps provide a solution to some of them.
Blue is also associated with calm and stability. Maybe you feel emotionally stable and balanced in your waking life. Dreaming about wearing a blue dress may be a way of expressing these feelings.
For example, you have been saving for a while and can start whatever business you want. You set up businesses to secure the future of all your family members. You are at a point where nothing can stress you out because you can get anything whenever you want.
On the other hand, if you feel uncertain or unstable in your waking life, dreaming about wearing a blue dress may reflect a desire for stability and balance. Maybe you haven’t had a stable life in your past and feel this needs to change.
What does it mean if you dream about wearing a blue coat?

A blue coat could symbolize a sense of protection or security. Maybe you feel safe and secure while wearing the blue coat in your dream. This feeling may suggest that you feel protected or secure in your waking life.
For instance, you once helped someone in a tight situation, and you did because you were in a position to help. You later realize that the person you helped is an official in the police force. The person tells you to contact them whenever you are in trouble. You feel your safety is well taken care of because you have someone ready to help anytime.
Wearing a blue coat in your dream could represent your style or identity. Maybe you are confident and stylish while wearing the blue coat in the dream. This could reflect how you feel about your style or identity in your waking life.
Maybe you are a model, and you have a specific design of clothes that you put on. This design is your way of recognizing and identifying with other models. Your design is like a mark that helps other people understand who you are.
The blue coat could also symbolize something or someone that you are trying to hide or protect. Maybe you feel worried or anxious while wearing the blue coat in your dream. It may suggest you are trying to hide or protect something in your waking life.
For instance, you have a secret in life that you wouldn’t want anyone to discover. You are unwilling to share it even with your close friend because spilling it out can ruin your life.
You always admire how some of your neighbors back at home have a lavish lifestyle. Everything you do is orderly, just like the rich carry themselves. You even associate yourself with some of them to get an insight into how they reached where they are now.
What does it mean if you dream about a blue light shining toward you?

A blue light shining towards you in your dream may reflect feelings of self-possession and tranquility. The blue light may also symbolize a sense of healing or restoration.
Maybe you broke up with your boyfriend because you found him with another lady. You would get mad whenever you met him because he betrayed your trust. You are normal whenever you see him because you made peace knowing he wasn’t for you.
A light shining towards you in your dream can symbolize guidance or control. If you feel lost or unsure about your path in your waking life, your dream may express a desire for guidance.
Maybe you feel that without help from someone, you may not do the right thing. You want someone close to be around to help you in making the right decisions.
Dreaming about a blue light shining toward you may reflect purpose and direction. For example, you have always been helping animals that don’t feel well at home. You do this without doing veterinary medicine. Now you feel it is a calling and wants to join the veterinary school. You want to help animals in your community professionally in the future.
Dreaming about a blue light toward you may reflect your desire to communicate. You want to express yourself in your waking life. Maybe you feel that letting your issues disturb you may lead you into depression. You feel that you need someone to talk to who understands your situation. You want peace by letting out all your anger and freeing your mind.
What does it mean to dream of a bright blue gemstone?

Gemstones in your dreams can symbolize valuable qualities or characteristics and spiritual insights. It could also be a manifestation of your desires.
Maybe you have a friend who is very talented in most practical things. You, on the other side, are bright in theoretical work. You decide to collaborate with your friend because you know what you can do together. Your abilities, combined with his, can lead to the invention of great things. You wouldn’t want to see your abilities go to waste and want to help others.
You want to start an organization that helps young people identify and nurture their talents. You feel it is not good to die with all your abilities when you can pass them down to others for future practice.
A blue gemstone in your dreams may get associated with coolness, tranquility, and steadiness. So the bright blue gemstone in your dream could represent these feelings, and you desire these qualities in your waking life.
Maybe you feel you haven’t been on good behavior lately. You have been talking back even when it’s unnecessary and worries you. You fear something might happen to you if you don’t tame yourself. You think joining anger management classes may try to help with your lack of calmness.
All you need is to handle yourself well; that portrays a good picture of you. You never want to cause harm to others because you can’t handle your anger.
What does it mean if a blue parrot appears in your dream?

A blue parrot in your dream could symbolize inventiveness and imagination. Parrots are known for their ability to mimic sounds and words. This dream could be a message to tap into your creativity and let your imagination run free.
It could be related to a specific creative project or idea you are working on. Maybe you are not well versed in your school work but are very talented in comedy. You always think quickly to make a joke out of simple words, making people recognize you.
Instead of concentrating on schoolwork, you are nurturing your creativity in comedy. You want to get a spot in comedy shows to entertain people. You feel that concentrating on comedy will be more helpful than wasting time in school.
A blue parrot in your dream could symbolize a desire for freedom or independence in some area of your life. This feeling could relate to a specific situation or challenge. This may arise from a general desire to break free from constraints or limitations.
Maybe you work where your boss is very strict and not understanding. You have no other way of getting your income for financial stability. You desire to start your own business because of the restrictions at your workplace. You want a favorable environment where you can work under minimum pressure. Your boss needs to give you a favorable environment to work in. With your business, you will open your premises whenever you want and attend to your duties.
What does it mean if you dream about a blue room?

A blue room could represent a place where you feel safe and secure. Maybe you felt at ease and relaxed while in the blue room in your dream. Your dream could suggest that you feel safe and secure in your waking life.
Imagine your childhood life having two uncles. One is not friendly, while the other is very friendly. You are afraid of your strict uncle because he will hinder you from doing some things. You love your friendly uncle because, with him, you feel that he will look after you well.
Dreaming about a blue room could also represent your emotional state. If you feel happy and contented, the blue room in your dream could symbolize your emotional state in your waking life.
For example, you are dating a caring, supportive, and understanding man. You feel happy around him because you have everything you need. You always feel nothing more significant in your life than being his girlfriend.
Your dream about a blue room could symbolize something you are trying to conceal or avoid. Maybe you feel worried or anxious while in the blue room in your dream. Your anxiety could suggest you are trying to hide or avoid something in your waking life.
For example, you differed from school and didn’t tell your parents about it. You know they will eventually find out someday, but at the moment, you wouldn’t want them to find out. You will do anything to ensure they do not discover your big secret.
What are the positive signs of dreaming of blue color?

The color blue is often associated with trustworthiness and reliability. Dreaming about the color blue could be a positive sign if you can trust someone or something in the dream.
For example, you have a neighbor who always comes to your house, and you can store till late hours. From how he behaves, you are not worried about anything getting lost in your house. You even trust him with your spare keys because yours might get lost. You may need backup storage in this case.
Dreaming of a blue color could be a positive sign because the color also represents allegiance. Your dream could be a positive sign if you feel loyal or faithful in the dream.
Maybe you are an outstanding footballer, and you play for a team that is envied by many other teams. Most of the coaches and managers of the other teams continually look for you to ask you to join them. You are not interested in their offer. You love your current team and wouldn’t want to leave it because of the respect that you get.
Lastly, the blue color cab often gets paired with disclosure and expression. Dreaming about the color blue could be a positive sign if you can communicate well in your dream.
Maybe you are a determined student in your English and literature classes. You can be a good speaker because you can articulate yourself well. You also have good communication skills. Your grammar, paired with your courage, makes you able to talk to a congregation. These qualities can make you a sought after speaker.
What are the negative signs of dreaming of the color blue?

Dreaming about the color blue could be a negative sign if you feel depressed or unhappy in your dream. Maybe you have been dealing with a personal issue for a while now. The problem has been overwhelming, and you haven’t had peace. When you are about to sort it out, another issue happens again. You feel like ending your life because your problems outweigh your solutions.
The color blue could also be a negative sign if you feel you cannot convey information well. Maybe you cannot express yourself in your dream.
For example, you have gotten used to giving speeches to learned people. You are called to give a speech to young kids, and you fear they might miss your point. You need to figure out how you can make your words easily understandable.
The color blue in your dream could also be a negative sign if you cannot trust someone or something in your dream. You may have a friend that you consider close. You know that your friend’s weakness is over-sharing information. This habit makes you fear sharing your stories with them. You are afraid that your friend might one day share your secrets. You still value your friend because they are of help.
Dreams about the color blue could be a negative sign if you feel you are not loyal or faithful in the dream. Maybe your girlfriend is very understanding and caring, and you wouldn’t want to hurt her. Your friend becomes very tempting and wants you to date them, and you fear you might accept the proposal.
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Dream interpretation and symbology have fascinated me ever since I read Freud’s classic, “The Interpretation of Dreams.” Ever since, I have explored Christian, Jewish, Hindu, and Buddhist as well as Jungian psychological ideas about the meaning of dreams. Thanks for joining me in my exploration of the amazing intersection between our conscious waking world and the rich expanse of our subconscious-the home of our intuition, instincts, and hidden potential.