Would you like your dream interpreted and analyzed?
Follow the steps below to get a free custom dream analysis and interpretation.
Send an empty email to exploreyourdreamlife+subscribe@groups.io
Check your inbox and/or spam folder for the confirmation email. Click on the confirmation link in the email.
Once you are confirmed, send an email to exploreyourdreamlife@groups.io with the subject line: DREAM INTERPRETATION REQUEST
Please include as many details as you can:
– who was in your dream
– what was their relationship to you
– what symbols were present in your dream
– where were you
– what was the main focus of your dream
– what was your emotional state during the dream
– what was your mental / emotional state when you woke up
WARNING: Do not include personally identifying information.
IMPORTANT: By sending us your dream information, you are giving us permission to publish the interpretation on the Explore Your Dream Life dream interpretation blog and (depending on our discretion) create a dream interpretation video based on the dream information you provided.