The meaning of dreaming of coins

Usually, when people dream of money, they often imagine something big. Let’s put it this way, they think the opposite when they find themselves dreaming of coins.

Either your dream involves $100 bills, big stacks of gold, or possibly large balance statements on a screen.

But if you find yourself dreaming of coins, please understand that this is not necessarily a bad thing.

People think of coins as essentially chump change.

They are under the impression that they’re thinking small when they think of coins instead of gold bars or at least $100 bills.

The truth is if you find yourself dreaming of coins, it can lead to something very positive.

The general meaning of dreaming of coins

The general meaning of dreaming of coins

Generally speaking, when you dream of coins, your subconscious is trying to draw your attention to the fact that you’re going through a very important period of change in a certain area of your life.

This is a crucial area and unless you are aware that this change will affect the trajectory as well as the overall quality of many areas of your life, you are more likely to not give it the kind of attention and focus it deserves.

Not surprisingly, when people go through a really significant period of change in their lifetime, they often make decisions that are far from optimal.

I’m not saying that their decisions are completely bad and that they ended up ruining their lives.

No, usually doesn’t work that way.

Don’t get me wrong, that happens quite a bit.

But usually, people tend to make decisions that lead to mediocre lives.

They’re neither living up to their fullest potential, but they’re not down in the gutter either.

So they spend a tremendous amount of time in their lives in this middle ground which is really too bad because all of us are born with a tremendous amount of potential.

We should focus on polishing that potential and living up to them.

But unfortunately, if you don’t give certain choices, that kind of attention and brainpower they require, your chances of making choices that lead to mediocrity are quite high.

Another meaning of coins in dreams involves obtaining excellent assessments or appraisals.

Whether you get excellent grades in school or letters of recommendation or top-notch performance rankings at work, dreaming of coins involves your desire to try to meet a certain standard.

This is a good sign.

Because a lot of people focus on the middle.

For example, at work, they focus on only doing the bare minimum to keep themselves from getting fired, but outside of that, they don’t even try.

Please understand that the world is fair.

I know it’s shocking to a lot of people but the truth is you get what you put in.

If you’re the person who always puts in 110% and has a winning attitude don’t be surprised if you go places in life.

On the other hand, if you’re the type of person who feels entitled to the very best life has to offer,
If you can’t be bothered to put in your best work then you better prepare for a life of mediocrity.

You get out what you put in.

When you’re dreaming of coins this indicates that you’re excited about the process and you feel that there’s a lot to be gained by going through the process and this is a good sign.

This means that you are willing to put in the work to make things happen for yourself.

This leads me to the general interpretation of coin dreams: They can foreshadow immense success.

I’m not just talking about money.

I’m not just talking about your career.

I’m also talking about your complete well-being.

Because the ultimate success in life is to be happy regardless of the circumstances surrounding you.

Usually, when people define joy they focus on what other people will do to them, what other people will bring to them or how their personal circumstances change.

The problem with that kind of definition is you are basing your happiness on things you ultimately can control.

When you achieve immense success, you are joyful regardless of what’s happening.

That is a real success because that means real control.

And a lot of people who discover stoicism as a personal philosophy, find themselves inching closer and closer to this type of personal success.

This leads me to the next meaning of coin dreams: Spiritual enhancement

Don’t let the word spiritual scare you off.

A lot of people think that the moment they see the word spiritual, we’re automatically going to talk about religion.

Well, that is definitely one manifestation of spiritual enhancement.

Spirituality really boils down to mindset.

So regardless of where you stand on religion or faith, please understand that how you choose to see the world has a dramatic impact on the kind of life you live in the world.

Because if you look at the world as full of opportunities, adventure, and fun, your actions will reflect that.

And guess what, for every action, there’s a reaction.

So if you start out positive, don’t be all that sharp when positive things result.

The flip side of this is negativity.

So when you dream of coins, your subconscious is telling you that you are going through a certain time in your life, where you will be in a position to proactively control your mindset.

So if you are unhappy in any way with certain areas of your life, this is your opportunity to effect lasting changes.

What does it mean to dream of gold coins?

What does it mean to dream of gold coins

Dreaming of gold coins indicates that there is a period of change in your life.

This change seems so quick and sudden that you feel like you are shoehorned or forced into certain choices.

But the truth is, decisions are the “currency of your life”.

They buy the kind of life you are left with.

And just like gold coins buy a lot more than copper coins, be aware of the value of your choices.

Because you have to understand that most people have all sorts of motivations and intentions.

At the end of the day, the world doesn’t really care.

A lot of the time the stuff that comes out of our mouths is easily forgotten.

But guess what the world sits up and pays attention to?

That’s right when you take action.

To understand the power of decisions and your willingness and ability to follow up on them and you’d be surprised as to why you keep ending up at a certain spot.

If you are in any way shape or form unhappy with that spot, then you know what to do.

You know how you should handle periods of change in your life.

What does it mean to dream of silver coins?

What does it mean to dream of silver coins

When you dream of silver coins this indicates that the part of you is still waiting for other people to make the first move.

If they’ve already made the first move, you’re waiting for them to find follow-through.

In other words, you look at certain areas of your life from a very passive perspective.

You think that your life, as far as those areas are concerned, is simply the responsibility of other people or in the aftermath of other people’s decisions.

You might want to think again.

Because you have to understand that even if you come from an abusive, disadvantaged, or really traumatic childhood, at the end of the day you are responsible for your life right here right now.

You cannot change your past, but you can change how you look at the past, and at the very least, you can prevent your past from poisoning the present which lays the foundation for your future.

I hope you see how this all works together.

And when you dream of silver coins, this is a call to action from your subconscious that change is not going to come from outside of you.

It has to come from within and the most important and profound way to do that is to slowly but surely transform how you look at your life and reassess or reevaluate the internal script that you play again and again in your head.

All of us have the script and obviously, the scripts are different.

And if you’re not happy with where you are, or you’re not happy about your short-term prospects, then you need to review your script.

Maybe you need to come up with something better.

What does it mean to dream of copper coins?

What does it mean to dream of copper coins

When you see copper coins in your dream, this is an indication that your subconscious is picking up on the fact that your material reality is changing quickly.

Maybe you just took on a new job and you’re getting paid more.

Maybe your business venture is beginning to take off.

Whatever the case may be your subconscious is picking up on the fact that you are starting to make real money.

Now this sounds like a like awesome use, right?

Here’s the problem.

You’re not mentally and emotionally prepared for this influx of cash so you run the risk of having possibly millions of dollars flow through your hands and having little to nothing to show for it.

I know that sounds extreme because a lot of people think that the moment money pours into their lives, all the problems disappear.

If only were it that things were that easy or simple.

The truth is, until and unless you expand the size of your mental and emotional wallet, no matter how much wealth and fortune and luck the universe pours into your life, you’ll be left with little to nothing.

Do you see how this works?

So these copper coins that you’re seeing in your dream either stacked up or falling from the sky are your mind warning you to pay close attention to your mental wallet because ultimately, wealth is a mindset.

What does it mean to dream of seeing a lot of coins?

What does it mean to dream of seeing a lot of coins

If you were seeing lots of coins either stacked up or just in a big pile, this indicates that your subconscious is unable to handle a lot of the conflicting assumptions and realities that you’re experiencing involving money.

Now please understand that money takes many different forms.

And the most important form that money takes is self-worth.

Because let’s put it this way if you truly believe that you’re worth a million dollars, you will attract quality people and high-value situations.

This can lead to attracting millions of dollars.

On the other hand, if you believe that you are trash, don’t be all that shocked if you attract trash people and find yourself surrounded by garbage.

You get out what you put in.

You attract an external reality that mirrors your internal reality.

So when you’re seeing a lot of coins piled up in your dream, your subconscious is telling you, you might want to analyze your mental and spiritual soundtrack.

This is the script that you keep playing to yourself.

As your conscious mind says, “I am a winner, I am a millionaire, and I will make things happen”.

But deep down inside, you’re saying to yourself, “I’m an idiot, I don’t know what I’m doing, and I don’t deserve the best that life has to offer. In fact, I don’t deserve much at all. I’m trash.”

Do you see how this works?

I know that the ladder sounds crazy but be honest with yourself.

A lot of people play negative soundtracks.

Maybe when they were kids, their fathers and mothers told them “You’re an idiot, nothing’s going to happen to you. Nothing good will happen to you. Because you’re trash, you’re just like us”.

Maybe you surround yourself with people with such toxic or negative mindsets.

Such attitudes are infectious.

Be completely honest with yourself and do an audit of your mental soundtrack.

Because this might be going on, and you’re the one suffering from it.

You try and try and you put in all this time and effort into all sorts of investments and relationships and weather, but nothing seems to pan out.

Maybe it’s because of that disconnect between what your conscious mind is saying and what your subconscious is actually sticking to.

What does it mean to pick up coins from the ground in your dream?

What does it mean to pick up coins from the ground in your dream

This dream imagery indicates that you are now willing to finally do the work.

Whatever the case may be your personal happiness, and contentment is somebody else’s responsibility.

When you see yourself manually picking up coins from the ground, your subconscious is telling you now you are getting it.

You now understand that your personal happiness is your own individual responsibility and nobody else’s.

Please understand that at the end of the day, nobody’s going to care more for you and your issues, than you yourself.


Everybody’s got enough problems of their own.

Don’t make it worse for them by expecting them to save you.

It doesn’t work that way.

You’re only setting yourself up for heartbreak and disappointment if you keep doing that.

What does it mean to dream of old coins?

What does it mean to dream of old coins

If the coins in your dream are vintage coins, this is a very interesting dream.

Because prior to 1965, most coins in the United States, except for pennies contain silver.

As you probably already know, silver is a valuable metal with strong industrial and jewelry uses.

If your dream focuses on vintage coins, this indicates that your subconscious is picking up on the fact that you are actually more capable than you assume yourself to be.

Maybe you think that the very best in life has already been taken by people who are more talented than you.

Maybe you assume that just because somebody went to a certain type of school or connected with certain people, they will automatically get the very best that life has to offer and everybody else will have to settle for crumbs.

Well, that mindset is beginning to break.

You are beginning to realize that you have what it takes to achieve the kind of success you’ve always dreamt of in whatever area of your life.

You have the potential and this is a great awakening consciousness to grab a hold of and amplify.

The more you do it, the more likely you will take action on these feelings.

And if you get a have even a small positive result this can start up a positive feedback loop that will build up your confidence until you eventually achieve a breakthrough.

What does it mean to dream of picking among pennies?

What does it mean to dream of picking among pennies

If you see yourself picking coins from a pile of pennies, this indicates that you tend to major in the minors.

You nitpick and this is why you can tell the forest from the trees.

You’re the type of person who would easily spend $10 to save five bucks.

Do you see what’s wrong with that picture?

Look at the big picture.

Focus on the end that you want.

Because if you just focus on what’s in front of you, and you nitpick, you end up chasing your tail, you end up where you began.

And you can’t afford to keep doing this because you will get more and more frustrated.

What does it mean to dream of picking plenty of coins and putting them in a bag?

What does it mean to dream of picking plenty of coins and putting them in a bag

You are undergoing an emotional breakthrough here which can lead to a financial breakthrough.

A lot of the things that used to hold you back when it comes to savings and investment are now disappearing.

Because you are quickly realizing that the way to succeed in life is not to run away from failure instead, it’s about failing quickly.

In other words, it’s all about figuring out what went wrong, avoiding those and focusing on what went right, and repeating those.

What does it mean to dream of losing coins?

What does it mean to dream of losing coins

When you see yourself losing coins in your dream, this indicates that you feel that you are not making the right choices in certain areas of your life.

Worse yet, you feel that you really have no choice in the matter.

It’s as if your past has already set a pattern and that you cannot break away from it.

Please understand that these are comforting lies that you tell yourself.

At the end of the day, you can make things happen if you truly believe in whatever it is you’re pursuing.

That’s the bottom line.

Because if you are completely honest with yourself, there’s a tremendous long chain of victories that led you to where you are right now.

You might not be thinking that you’re some sort of Victor or hero but that’s the reality.

For you to even be here to stay alive, certain victories had to be achieved in the past.

Focus on those.

Your life is a blessing.

You are a miracle.

You’re not an accident.

You’re not an empty detail.

Start acting like every moment is an opportunity, you’d be surprised at how well your life will improve.

What does it mean to dream of having fake coins?

What does it mean to dream of having fake coins

Deception comes from many different places.

Usually, people define deception and trickery in the form of other people lying to you, they show that they cannot be trusted.

But when you see yourself looking at a fake coin or trying to handle fake points in your dream, you might want to analyze that image in terms of when you lie to yourself.

Because I think that’s more fruitful because you are in control of this process.

You have this internal soundtrack and if it’s based on a lie in a distortion don’t be all that surprised when your life sucks.

So do yourself a big favor.

Be honest with yourself.

Stop lying to yourself and you’d be surprised at how much more focus you will have to make things happen.

What does it mean to pay with coins in your dream?

What does it mean to pay with coins in your dream

You’ll feel that there’s a lot of stress in your life, at least when it comes to certain areas and you think that you cannot apply full force or apply full effort when it comes to these issues.

The reality is you have a lot more strength than you give yourself credit for and unfortunately, your mindset is sapping you of your result.

As a result, you tend to have as your way through life.

Let me tell you, you cannot expect to buy a Ferrari by paying only $5.

You cannot expect the best that life has to offer if you don’t want to give it your full effort.

You get out what you put in.

What does it mean to dream of melted coins?

What does it mean to dream of melted coins

There’s a part of you that is worrying that a lot of your earlier potential and sense of possibility is long gone.

For whatever reason, you feel that you’ve lost confidence in your ability and even your ability to have a happy future.

you think that you’re either incapable of it or you’re unworthy of it.

Either case, you are robbing yourself of your own happiness.

This is not done by other people.

This is not done by circumstances.

This is you.

This is a voluntary choice.

Now, you might be asking, “Why would people do this, why do they sabotage themselves?”

The truth is people sabotage themselves all the time.


They think that they’d rather stick with the hell they know than possibly take a chance on heaven that can turn into hell.

In other words, they’re giving themselves excuse after excuse to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

If you are in any way, shape, or form unhappy with certain areas of your life, then you have only yourself to blame.

Stop sticking to the same old mental game plan because it’s not working out.

What does it mean to dream of coins popping out of your pocket?

What does it mean to dream of coins popping out of your pocket

You might be thinking that this dream is very positive.

After all, this indicates that you have a lot of money to spare.

But in reality, this indicates an unwillingness to fully study one situation and become a master of certain areas of one’s life.

In other words, you’d rather just live for the moment and just wing it through every second of your life.

You’re more than welcome to do that.

But as you probably already know, unless and until you try to master certain areas of your life, you won’t really be fully happy nor confident.

Because at the end of the day, it feels like everything is just at the mercy of a dice roll.

Well, that’s all playing out in your head because you don’t give yourself the chance to truly master certain areas of your life.

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