What does a dream of cooking mean?

It’s very easy to overlook dreams about cooking. In fact, if you are not attentive, you might even think that your dream was about anything besides cooking. It may seem so mundane, but your dream of cooking is actually deep.

After all, on any given day, most people need to eat three times. At least for a lot of us, at least one of those meals is home-cooked.

No wonder a lot of people tend to overlook their dream about cooking.

This really is too bad because if cooking is the main focus of your dream, there is a tremendous amount of different meanings behind this simple act.

It can occur in many different contexts, and some of these messages can actually make a big difference in terms of your waking life.

The General Meaning of a Dream About Cooking

When you see yourself in a process of mixing ingredients, heating them, and otherwise preparing a meal, your subconscious is trying to draw your attention to your spiritual life.

Spirituality in practical terms is more than religion. In essence, your spiritual life dictates how you see the world, how you see others, and your personal definition of meaning, happiness, contentment, and “the good life.”

Pretty heavy-duty stuff!

This is why it’s really important to understand that spirituality really speaks to our personal operating system.

We may have roughly the same hardware in terms of our bodies and our physical capacity to feel sensations from the outside world. But what truly gives meaning to our physical existence is our spiritual life.

Your subconscious is trying to send you certain messages through the metaphor of cooking involving your need for a deeper and more responsive sense of spiritual awareness.

This leads me to the second general interpretation of this dream. It has something to do with happiness.

A lot of people go through life without ever really experiencing a deep and profound and long abiding sense of happiness. This is a tragedy because if you want to even come close to some sort of sense of purpose, happiness has to be part of the equation.

Your subconscious is using the cooking metaphor to clue you in on what could make you happy, not just in terms of achieving goals or reaching some sort of point in your life, but lasting happiness that not only makes you feel good but gives meaning to your existence.

On a different level, a dream about cooking can also indicate issues with health.

When you see cooking scenes in your dream and they are your dream’s primary focus, your subconscious is telling you that you are in good health.

A lot of people who are hypochondriacs or who are experiencing “false symptoms” need to understand this dream’s meaning because it gives them peace of mind.

Finally, dreams about cooking can also indicate one’s need to be more patient in all areas of one’s life.

What Does a Dream About Cooking Dinner Mean?

Cooking dinner is quite different from cooking breakfast or lunch.

When you cook dinner, usually everybody in your family gets together. This is the one meal where you can count on most members of your family to be there.

It is no wonder then that when you have a dream about cooking dinner, your subconscious is telling you that you love your family time. You appreciate the fact that there is at least one time in the day when everybody sees each other face to face and occupies the same space.

This doesn’t have to be anything dramatic, but it is very important on a personal level because you communicate to each other just how important you are to each other.

You also deepen your bonds.

Dreaming about a cooking dinner also indicates good mental health.

While all members of the family may be and have their own schedules for the rest of the day, making a point to be with each other for at least a couple of hours at one point in the day reinforces their family bonds, which in turn improves overall health.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Using Cooking Gas?

If the main focus of your dream involves the flames of the cooking gas, your subconscious is telling you that the people around you love and care about you.

You are also on the right path as far as your career goes.

With that said though, depending on what you’re doing on the cooking pan, focusing on the cooking gas may indicate your subconscious need for someone to guide you.

Maybe it’s a mentor. Maybe it’s an advisor.

Whatever the case may be, you know that the path you have chosen is unfamiliar and has a lot of twists and turns.

You understand on a deep level the need for some sort of guidance from somebody who has gone down that path before.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Preparing Tea?

When you’re preparing tea as part of a meal or part of the cooking process, this indicates that you are sensing harmony and patience in your life.

This might come as a shock to you if you feel that you’re facing a lot of stress and anxiety in your day-to-day waking world.

But the reality is that a lot of that emotional trauma is self-inflicted.

Maybe you’re just looking for drama. Maybe you are just looking for things that have gone wrong instead of appreciating the big picture.

In fact, a lot of people would love to be in the same position as you because that’s how much harmony you have in your life.

Maybe the reason why you’re feeling a little bit stressed is that you are just simply impatient. You want things to fall into place and get going so you can reach your goal.

Please understand that you can’t rush your life. Once you spend that time, it’s gone.

Instead of trying to rush through things, savor every moment.

What Does Dreaming Of Cooking Food That Takes Time to Prepare Mean?

If the main focus of your dream is this long process of preparing food and cooking it, this indicates that you will eventually have good health.

You may have issues right now, or you may have lifestyle challenges to overcome.

But no matter how you slice it, sooner or later, things will settle down, and you will have better health than a lot of people you know.

Depending on the context of the lengthy food preparation, this dream imagery can also represent wealth that is coming your way.

The focus of course should be on the preparation.

If you see yourself in some sort of food video or at least the “videography” of your dream sequences involves a tight lens that is focused on you preparing the ingredients as well as moving the ingredients around on a pan on a stove, this can indicate that your initial preparation, as well as research regarding certain opportunities in your life, are finally coming to fruition.

Things are coming together and there is a big payday in your future.

What Does It Mean to Dream Of Cooking Dumplings?

If you see yourself cooking dumplings in your dream and it seems that your mental camera is just panning on the dumplings, this can indicate that you are going to be meeting new people in your life.

This can take place in the context of a new job, a promotion, or a fresh, new relationship.

Now, this doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship. It could be an acquaintance or a new friendship.

Regardless, there are going to be new things on the horizon for you.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Breaking a Pot?

If in the process of cooking in your dream you end up dropping a pot, this indicates that you will be blindsided by challenges up ahead.

The reason why should be obvious.

You didn’t expect them. You are unprepared.

Regardless, this is not necessarily a bad thing because when you see yourself breaking a pot in the context of a cooking dream, your subconscious is telling you that there is going to be a new life in store for you.

When you see the world with a new pair of eyes, you are more likely to come up with workarounds and tap your inner reservoir of creativity and intuition.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Cooking a Lot of Food?

This means that you are putting everything you have into the project that concerns you the most.

This might seem pretty positive at a certain level, but pay careful attention to the context.

It may be a sign that you’ve been suppressing certain emotions. It’s always a good idea to let them out at the proper time and place.

Regardless, you shouldn’t suppress your emotions. Otherwise, you will blow up like a volcano.

It’s okay to give everything you have, but make sure that you are giving the right things.

Make sure that you’re focusing your energy on the right parts of the project. Otherwise, you might end up giving in to the feeling that you’re wasting your time.

What Does It Mean to Dream Where You Are Cooking Hair?

This is a very unusual dream. Usually, people cook food; but in this dream, you are cooking hair.

This is a bad omen!

You are afraid that something that you did in the recent past will finally build and catch you unawares. You could’ve tied loose ends, but for whatever reason, you didn’t have the opportunity.

You also are afraid that you may be so busy with your day-to-day duties, responsibilities, and obligations that you will be blindsided by something that you normally would be aware of.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Cooking Chappati?

Whether you’re Indian or not, if you see yourself cooking chappatis in your dream, this can indicate that you are feeling stuck.

Maybe you’re in a sticking situation. Maybe you are in a dead-end job.

Whatever the case may be, you define your situation as “stuck.”

To add to your problems, you feel that you are weighed down by past bad decisions that you have made. There’s a part of you that is convinced that you can never unwind bad choices from the past.

So here you are stuck! You haven’t really given yourself permission to move forward.

That is the answer to your dream’s question.

If you want to overcome the meaning of cooking chappatis in your dream, you have to decide on where to take your life and commit to the long and often drawn-out process of making the necessary changes.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Preparing Soup?

Typically this type of dream is a warning. Soup is mostly made of water, and water always involves emotions.

When you are preparing soup in your dream, this means that you should not be too carried away with what you are doing. Don’t get too emotionally invested.

Please understand that there is such a thing as a second or another try.

Don’t be so caught up in what you’re doing now that you become so emotionally tied to it.

What Does It Mean to Dream Of Making Breakfast?

When you see yourself making breakfast in your dream, your spiritual side is waking up.

You understand the importance of mindset. You are now clear on the fact that your attitude determines your altitude in life.

Once everything is clear to you, now you can move forward.

Now you can experience the kind of growth in your career that you’ve previously only dreamed of.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Cooking Lunch?

If the main focus of your dream involves lunch items, please be aware that your subconscious is telling you that there are changes up ahead.

No need to fear these changes because they are good things that will help you level up certain areas of your life.

There is a catch though. You need to make an adjustment.

If you welcome these changes with an open mind, chances are, things will work out for the best.

On the other hand, if you tend to be scared of change and you are a very inflexible person, you might experience quite a bit of discomfort, but things will still end up on a positive note.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Cooking With Your Family?

If the main focus of your dream involves cooking with family members, it means that your subconscious is telling you that you need to spend more time with your family, especially your kids if you have children.

You also shouldn’t hold back on showing them the cheerful side of your nature.

It’s understandable for dads to be serious and possibly even be grumpy because they’re carrying the load of the family. The same goes for moms.

But if you are with your kids, it’s always a good idea to show your cheerful nature so they can be encouraged.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Cooking in Your Kitchen?

If the main focus of your dream is the act of cooking within your home’s kitchen, this dream imagery from your subconscious indicates that a free-spirited individual that you know will play a big role in your life.

For this to happen though, you need to take responsibility for certain things that you have been avoiding or are in denial of for so long.

This could be some sort of addiction, this could be some sort of toxic friendship.

Whatever the case may be, you’re finally taking responsibility. You’re no longer in denial.

You can see those arrangements for what they are and what their effects are on you. This is your transition point to handling those things in a more responsive and positive way.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Preparing Something Spicy?

If you are cooking something spicy in your dream, your subconscious is letting you know that you desire a quick response to your recent projects.

Maybe you have applied for a new job. Maybe you have applied for some sort of permit or possibly even applied for a passport.

Whatever the case may be, you’re feeling impatient and looking for a quick response.

But your subconscious is telling you that if you are impatient, you will be facing challenges.

You’re going to have impulse control issues.

Understand that sometimes things can take a while so be emotionally ready for long wait times.

What Does a Dream About Making Different Types of Food Mean?

If your mental camera pans from one dish from a different part of the world to another dish in your dream, sit up and pay attention.

It may be that your dream is about exotic foods. If this is your dream image, your subconscious is telling you that you may have fallen into a routine and you’re feeling bored.

Maybe you like going to the same restaurant every other day. Maybe you like making the same food every day.

Well, your subconscious is telling you to mix things up a little bit. Variety after all is the spice of life.

And if you challenge yourself to do things a little bit differently every day, you will regain a lot of the former excitement that your daily routine brought to the table.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Preparing a Meal With Milk?

This dream imagery indicates that you are soon transitioning out of a learning curve.

There are areas in your life where you’re still going through the learning curve.

Seeing yourself preparing a meal with milk indicates that the time of nourishment is over, and now you can pretty much stretch your wings and fly on your own, at least when it comes to certain areas of your life.

This is a good sign overall.

What Does It Mean to Dream Of Cooking Rice?

If your dream’s mental camera focuses on the rice cooker that you’re using, this can indicate that your friendships are going to be more fulfilling. People are going to “stick to you” because you offer something that a lot of their other friends don’t offer.

Maybe you’re more encouraging. Maybe you have a quirky way of looking at life.

Whatever the case may be, people can’t get enough of you.

Enjoy the moment. But at the same time, don’t invest so much in your friendships that there’s nothing left for you emotionally.

Leave some for yourself. Regardless, your friendships will be taking quite a bit more of your time.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Cooking Sauce?

In this type of dream, you are cooking something that is not the main meal. Instead, you are cooking a sauce that is supposed to enhance the flavor of your main dish.

If you have this type of dream, there’s a part of you that is uneasy or insecure about the fact that you are a secondary player or a second fiddle when it comes to your friendships.

It’s as if one of your friends is always taking the limelight, and there’s really not much attention left for you.

You might want to focus on the fact that this dream is about your insecurity.

When you’re really in a good friendship, it doesn’t really matter who is in the limelight. At the end of the day, you are friends with that person because that person respects you and loves you at a certain level.

And if you feel that the emotions go both ways, then stick with that friendship.

Who cares if that person is the one that people notice? You’re not competing with that person.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Cooking Pasta?

This dream imagery indicates that you’re not taking good care of your emotional health.

Maybe you spend too much time with a friend who is depressive and simply just spouting negative vibes. At the end of your talks, he or she walks away feeling relieved and refreshed.

On the other hand, it seems that your talk just transferred a lot of their negative energy your way and you feel way down, drained, and tired.

This is unhealthy so learn how to stand up for yourself and establish firm boundaries. Otherwise, your own emotional health will be negatively affected.

What Does It Mean to Dream of a Cooking Stove?

If your cooking dream centers on the stove that you’re using, this dream imagery indicates that you need to practice better self-care. The foundation of self-care in turn means acceptance.

There’s a lot of aspects of your personality that rub you the wrong way. You feel that you’re weird on some level.

Whatever the case may be, there’s a tremendous amount of insecurities that you have to work with for you to become the very best version of yourself.

When your dream’s focus is on the central motif of a cooking stove, this indicates that you need to let the different “ingredients” that makeup who you are, stew for a long enough period of time.

The end result of course is unique. There’s only one of you.

Understand that fact, embrace that fact. And learn to understand yourself better.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Cooking Food That Has Flour?

If flour is the main focus of your dream although you’re not baking, this can indicate that success is beginning to materialize in at least one area of your life.

But for you to unlock this though, you need to do something that you may not be doing all that much. I’m talking about being willing to help others and put others first.

If you’re able to do that, then success can come in one area of your life.

If you think about it, these two things are actually quite interrelated.

What Does It Mean to Dream Of Cooking Beans?

If you are cooking beans, it indicates that you are ready to give and receive emotional support from the ones around you.

I’m not just talking about people who you love dearly. I’m also talking about acquaintances, neighbors, and co-workers.

On the other hand, if you see the beans burning or there’s not enough sauce for the beans in your dream, this can indicate that you need to cut loose some relationships in your waking life.

These are one-sided. These “friends” are emotional leeches. They suck in a lot of your emotional energy, but they give very little in return.

Worse yet, they try to throw money away as if they’re buying your loyalty and emotional support.

It really is your call but at the end of the day, you are not getting the benefit of the bargain because they suck out more than they give in.

But when they do give, they give grudgingly.

What Does It Mean to Dream Of Cooking Pizza?

If you dream about cooking pizza, your subconscious is telling you that you are sure about the life path that you have taken. You are looking to enjoy everything that life has to offer based on the direction you are taking.

With that said, your subconscious is telling you to not worry about sticking out. Worry less about what other people would think and worry more about what you think about the life you’ve lived so far.

Dream Where You Are Using Cooking Stones?

If you’re using a cooking stone or your dream camera focuses on the actual heating stones that you are using, this can indicate that you may have overextended yourself. You may have set up goals and aspirations that are simply impossible at this point in time.

Don’t get depressed. There is such a thing as an unrealistic goal if your timeline is faulty.

At the end of the day, there is no such thing as an impossible goal because if you wait long enough, the technology or the resources will be there.

It’s all a matter of timing so make sure your scheduling is realistic. Otherwise, you’re just going to overextend yourself because you’ve been too ambitious with the timeline.

When things fall apart (and they will, thanks to your unrealistic scheduling), resist the temptation to define yourself by your failures.

What Does It Mean to Dream Of Cooking Bread and Eating It?

If the main focus of your dream is the bread that you’re putting in your mouth, it indicates that you have love and care surrounding you. People do care about you.

You may be thinking that you’re alone or that you’re feeling wracked by your sense of loneliness.

But the truth is people really care about you.

So spend more time figuring out the signals they send. This way, you can recognize more of the love, care, and concern the people around you have for you.

What Does It Mean to Dream Of Cooking With Jelly?

Usually, people don’t cook with jelly. Unless you’re dealing with aspic or gelatinized pork juices, usually people don’t cook with jelly, much less sweet types of jelly.

I am of course talking about strawberry, grape, raspberry, or even pineapple jelly.

What’s going on?

Well, if you dream of cooking with jelly — let’s say you have a stew that obviously involves beef and you just scooped a large chunk of jelly and put it in your stew — this is a bad omen.

Your subconscious is telling you that you’re trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. It’s going to be a bad fit assuming it’s even a fit at all.

Be very careful about your assumptions when it comes to the projects ahead of you.

You might be investing a tremendous amount of time, effort, and energy only to realize that you’ve wasted all of that.


You’re going down the wrong path.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Cooking Cheese?

If you see yourself with a fondue pot and you’re cooking cheese, this can indicate that you’re keeping secrets and emotions to yourself.

Please understand that the people closest to you don’t appreciate the sense that you are holding back from them.

It’s much better to let people who are close to you know about the secret emotions and other issues that you’ve been trying to keep to yourself.

With that said, you can’t just randomly pick a person you know. You have to select carefully.

If you chose your friends the smart way, this wouldn’t be an issue.

Dream Of Cooking and Tasting Food

If you see in your dream that you are a food taster or you’re a celebrity chef who is checking out the food offered by cooking contestants, this seemingly positive dream image actually is connected to a sense of insecurity.

There’s a part of you that is still confused as to why you have chosen the life path you did. It isn’t quite sold on the decisions that you’ve made in the past.

It would be safe to say that this is the part of you that is your own worst critic.

You’re gonna have to deal with this person.

You’re gonna have to do some sort of emotional audit and say to yourself:

“This is the path that I’ve taken, and I have taken ownership of it. This defines me.”

And if you are able to do that, you can go a long way in downplaying your inner doubts that often sabotage your success.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Cooking Meat?

This particular dream imagery signifies wealth.

A decent fortune might come into your life, and you are about to step into a new phase of your life.

This sounds exciting, right?

Make sure you don’t get too pumped up that you fail to prepare.

Dreaming Of Cooking and Adding Fruits to Your Dish

If you are cooking a stew or cooking bacon, for example, and you see yourself randomly adding fruit, this is a sign that your subconscious understands that you need to invest more time and focus on your health and nutrition.

For things to work out, you have to pay close attention to the most basic aspect of your being, which is your health and physical well-being.

Dreaming Of Cooking Hamburgers

This dream indicates that a chapter in your life is about to end. Don’t get too attached to it.

You shouldn’t worry because when you see yourself cooking a burger and flipping it a few times, this is actually a good sign.

This indicates that you are taking responsibility for certain issues in your life, and you’re making decent progress.

No need to rush it. Just stick with it slow and easy, and things will work out for the best.

What Does It Mean to See Your Mother Cooking Food in Your Dream?

You have unresolved issues with the past. Part of you is looking for some sense of closure.

If you see this cooking mother dream image, you want to reconnect with the force in your life that makes you feel connected, accepted, safe, and provided for.

Dream Where You Are Cooking Corn

If you see yourself cooking corn in your dream, pay close attention to the quality of the corn. If it’s clear and it’s in good shape, this type of dream indicates that you have high ambitions.

It’s one thing to be ambitious, it’s another thing to be unrealistically ambitious.

You need to know the difference. You also need to adjust your goals accordingly.

What Does Dreaming Of Preparing Just Peas for a Meal Mean?

If your mental camera focuses on the fact that you only have peas to eat for your meal, your subconscious is trying to get home to the point that you are going through emotional turmoil.

Usually, when people go through some strong emotions involving some sort of roller coaster emotional range, they understand what’s going on.

But you may be the type of person who is going through quite a bit of emotional turmoil and is in denial. You tell yourself a hundred and one explanation for why you’re going through such a turbulent emotional time.

You have to own your situation. You have to be aware that you put yourself in that situation.

If you take ownership of that, instead of shifting blame to other people, you will sooner or later start to manage the level of emotional turbulence in your life right now.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Boiling Water When Preparing Meals?

If the main focus of your dream is the boiling water of a pot as you prepare to cook, this can indicate that you are a kind person.

Maybe you show your kindness by simply listening to people. Maybe you show your kindness by giving small gifts or helping people when they’re down and out.

Whatever the case may be, you are a kind person.

People deeply appreciate your gestures. They like being around you because they can sense your kindness.

Develop this aspect of yourself. Learn to love people more.

The key here is to develop an eagerness to help people without expecting anything in return. This is how you flex your spiritual muscles.

What Does It Mean to Dream Of Cooking Grits?

Grits are a special type of corn that is processed a certain way. If you see yourself cooking grits, this is a sign that you need to take a break.

It’s only a matter of time until things fall apart because you burned out. You don’t want to reach that point.

Also when you see yourself cooking grits in your dream, this can signify that you need to spend more time with yourself.

For you to be able to give to other people, you also have to reserve some time for yourself so you can recharge your emotional and psychological batteries.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Preparing a Meal With Bananas?

Generally speaking, this type of dream imagery indicates that you are very happy with where your life is right now.

If this is a shock because you find yourself constantly complaining, please understand that this dream imagery refers to what you really feel deep down inside.

What Does Dreaming About Cooking Your Meal for the Day Mean?

If you sense anticipation as you cook your meal in your dream, this can indicate that you are taking pride in the things that you do in many areas of your life.

You also have developed a sense of comfort within your skin. You feel that you have nothing to prove and you feel that you don’t have to be somebody else to get the respect and admiration you deserve.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Cooking and Eating Cake?

Cake dreams in this context indicate a sense of nostalgia. You’re constantly comparing the present to the past.

Let me clue you in on one simple fact: The past is never as bright as you remember it, nor is the future as scary as you imagine it.

You have to live every moment on a moment-by-moment basis. That’s how you make the best life for yourself.

Stop wasting your time and imagination on stuff that has already happened.

What Does It Mean to Dream Of Seeing Someone You Love Cooking?

Chances are, the person you see cooking is a loved one who has either passed away or is in the process of passing away.

In some cases, this dream can even be a little bit prophetic because you see the scenario play out a couple of years before that person passes away.

And I’m not talking about somebody who is obviously sick and took about two years to go.


I’m talking about somebody who is fit, happy, and seemingly unstoppable one day dropping dead the next day.

When you see in your dream an image of your loved one cooking, this is your subconscious reminding you to appreciate the now while you still have time with them.

You never know what tomorrow will bring.

Dreams of Cooking With Onions

This indicates that you are going to go through, or are already experiencing, sadness in your life.

Maybe this has something to do with finances, career, and education. Or maybe it’s a relationship issue.

Whatever the case may be, you will be shedding tears.

The good news is you’re not going to be shedding tears forever. The moment you decide to just learn from the situation and move on is the moment the tears will stop flowing.

Dreams About Making Sweets

If you’re cooking up some sugar and it’s obvious that you’re making some treats, your subconscious is trying to communicate to you that you’re a kind enough person in real life.

A lot of people try to compensate because they beat themselves up. They have such a low view of themselves that they feel that they have to be extra nice.

There’s no need to do that. You are already kind.

In many cases, the best form of kindness to give to somebody is to refuse to help them.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Preparing Dishes?

If you’re preparing dishes for a meal and the main focus is on the different dishes and it seems that your mental camera is panning from one side to the next, this symbolizes that you are going to soon experience a nice balance between your working life and your personal life.

But for this to happen, you may need some grounding time. The best way to establish grounding time is to hang out more often with somebody you love to spend time with.

What Does It Mean to Dream Of Cooking With Butter?

A clear perspective and a more intentional focus is coming your way. Whatever challenges you may be experiencing in certain areas of your life are due to the fact that you have had a tough time focusing.

Well, that time is over because when you look at the clear consistency of the butter melting in your cooking dream, things are beginning to fall into place.

You’re receiving spiritual guidance from within that can help you change your mindset for the better.

What Does It Mean to Dream Of Being in a Cooking Competition?

If your dream involves some sort of Iron Chef type of cooking competition, your subconscious is telling you to slow down when comparing yourself to others.

When you look at people’s timelines on Facebook, it’s very easy to feel envious.

You might be thinking to yourself:

“Those people have such interesting lives and my life sucks. It’s routine. It’s boring. It doesn’t usually involve exotic locations.”

Well, stop beating yourself up because when you do things like that, you are comparing the best times of their lives with the mediocre times of your life.

You’re comparing apples and oranges. It doesn’t make any sense.

Let that go!

Focus on what you’re doing. Focus on what you’re looking forward to.

Stop comparing yourself to other people and making yourself miserable as a result.

What Does It Mean to Dream Of Cooking Cabbages in a Dream?

Depending on how you cook the cabbages, generally speaking, cooking this type of vegetable involves good health.

If you’re doing things right, you have the right physical routine. You may not be all that excited about waking up early in the morning but you stick to it.

And this indicates a healthy life, not just in terms of your physical health but also your mental and spiritual well-being as well.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Cooking Noodles?

If the length and thickness of noodles are the main focus of your cooking dream, this indicates that something good is about to happen in your waking life.

The key is to learn how to demand the best thing that life has to offer.

In other words, you have to ask for you to be able to receive. You have to knock before the door is opened to you.

Are you up for it? Are you mentally prepared to do it?

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