Birds are part of your daily life, and you may often see them around flying, chirping, or in their nests feeding their young ones. Since dreams relate to your daily experiences, you may dream of seeing birds of different colors. You may dream of seeing a blackbird or a bluebird, and it could be a sparrow or any other species of bird. Your dreams may involve you feeding the bird or the bird being in a cage. Keep these in mind when navigating the tricky question of: what is the meaning of birds in dreams?
In some dreams, you may be hunting for birds using a catapult to kill them for roasting. You may also be catching them to have them around. You could also have a bird pet and you may sometimes find its cage empty whenever it goes flying outside.
Getting pooped on by a bird is a common occurrence. It may happen to you in public leaving you annoyed.
You could also dream of an empty nest because the bird went to feed away from its nest. Or maybe it has relocated and abandoned its nest.
You may wonder, What Is the Meaning of Bird Dreams? and want to know why. This article will help give an insight into some of your bird dreams.
What does it mean to dream about birds?

Dreaming about birds may represent a desire for freedom or independence in your own life. Maybe you are married, and your husband provides all the house needs. All your personal needs are also on his financial budget, and it’s bothering you. You have to explain to him your intentions anytime you request financial assistance. You feel that it would be best if you got your own money which would make you get anything you need.
Dreams about birds may be a sign that you are going through a period of transformation or are ready to change your life. For example, you have stayed at one particular house since getting employed because of its affordability. The house has several construction defects that your landlord will not repair. You now believe that cheap is expensive because all the repairs are on you. You feel it’s about time you moved to a bigger and better house.
Your dreams about birds may symbolize your need to say something or express yourself in your waking life. Imagine that you are getting bullied at school by some of your schoolmates. You feel they are becoming too much in their action, and you need to do something about it. You have been holding on for a long but now feel like you should report them to the school headmaster.
Birds in your dreams may be a way of connecting with nature and the natural world. This dream is especially true if you feel disconnected from the natural environment in your waking life.
Maybe you used to take walks during the evening hours during the weekends. You have never created time to do so since your employment, and feel you should start your walks again. You want to explore your environment and know at it has to offer.
What does it mean to dream of birds in a cage?

Seeing birds in a cage in your dreams may represent being trapped or confined in some aspect of your life. Your feelings may get accompanied by an inability to express yourself or pursue your goals and desires.
For example, you have a child with your boyfriend, and he wants to leave you. You are unwilling to let him go because your child needs both parents. You are ready to do anything to let him stay, making him feel stuck with you forever.
Dreaming about birds in a cage might represent your feelings of being restricted or controlled by someone or something. For example, your husband has been paying your campus school fee. He thinks that because he is helping with your education, you must do as he says. You are tolerating his actions so he can continue helping with your education. You may not have any other way of raising the fees if he stops funding you.
Dreams of birds in a cage might also symbolize feelings of emotional restriction or limitation. You might feel you cannot show your emotions or are held back by something.
For example, you work with your partner at the same place. The rules of the company state that you are not allowed to express your feelings at work. Since you spend most of your time at work, you feel you are becoming limited in showing how much you love each other.
Birds in a cage in your dream might also reflect a desire for a replacement or to break free from something holding you back. For instance, your friend keeps getting in trouble, and you always have to help. You feel that your friend is old enough to handle their issues because, in their problems, they are limiting your progress.
What does it mean to dream of an empty birdcage?

An empty birdcage in your dream may symbolize relief or release from restrictions or hindrances. Your dream could be encouraging if you feel that you have been trapped or restricted in your waking life.
Maybe you have reported to campus for your undergraduate studies. You have been having a tough time at home doing many things. Now you feel free and can do anything you want without getting quarreled at by your parents. You can also work on yourself without fear of getting scolded.
A dream about an empty birdcage may symbolize loss or emptiness. This feeling shows loneliness or a lack of something important in your life.
For example, the only friend you had has changed schools to somewhere distant. You are left alone in your current school and have no one to talk to about your experiences. You feel like your friend abandoned you when they had no choice but to move. Spending time alone is all you do because you cannot make new friends. Your friend might never return, and this is a thought that disturbs your peace.
Dreaming of an empty birdcage may also represent a swap or evolution in your life. This change could be positive or negative, depending on your feelings about your dream.
For example, you have been used to staying out late with friends. You then get pregnant and have to revise your priorities because soon you will be performing parental duties. Staying indoors may be your way of life for a while, and it would be better if you start getting used to it.
What does it mean to dream about birds flying near you?

Birds flying near you in your dream could represent your desire for autarky or a sense of being unencumbered. Maybe you feel tired of getting told what to do by someone older than you. Anytime you are told something, you feel irritated and annoyed. You want to also think for yourself and have the freedom to solve your issues your own way.
Dreaming about birds flying near you could reflect your spiritual journey or a connection to something greater than yourself. For example, you have always been a big fan of giving motivational speeches. You feel that motivating and encouraging other people is your calling. You even create social media platforms to help those distant to reach you. You think that helping others goes beyond where you are and you personally.
Depending on the type of bird in your dream, your dream could symbolize information or communication. For example, a dove might represent peace, while a hawk could represent clarity or focus.
Maybe you broke up with your girlfriend and never gave a reason why. All she wants is to know the reason why to make peace with why you left her. She wants to confirm if she’s the one who caused the breakup or if it’s something else.
Dreams about birds flying near you could represent a substitution or alteration in your life. This change could be positive, such as the opportunity to spread your wings and explore new horizons, or a more difficult transition, such as the end of a relationship or career.
Maybe you have been diagnosed with a heart condition as a footballer. You have to hang your boots because your health is at risk if you continue playing.
What is the dream meaning of sparrow birds flying?

Seeing sparrows flying in your dream could symbolize a desire for more liberty or self-reliance in your waking life. Maybe you have to call someone to perform your procedure at work. Sometimes you feel like you are bothering them and interfering with their duties. You also want to know how to do the method so that you can perform them by yourself.
Dreaming of sparrow birds flying could represent a sense of energy and vitality within yourself. Maybe you have been overseeing a particular project. You feel the project might help those around you and needs to get completed. You are not planning to give up despite all the difficulties you may experience with the project. You have enough strength to do it repeatedly until it gets done.
Sparrows and birds flying in your dream could symbolize a desire for adaptability and resilience in your waking life. For instance, you are picky about the types of jobs you do. The jobs are short-term contracts and usually end after a while. You feel you should stop being picky and adjust to other job offers because your type of job is rare.
Dreams of sparrow birds flying could represent the need to say something important to others. For instance, you are the more silent type of person, and your silence makes people go against your wishes. You feel that it is not good, and you deserve more respect. You would love to set things straight with those around you to let them know how you feel about certain situations.
What does it mean to dream about birds flying into a window?

A bird flying into a window might symbolize an obstacle or challenge you are facing in your waking life. This challenge could be something you are actively struggling with or trying to overcome.
For example, you may be addicted to alcohol and have tried being sober for once. You still find it hard to let it go, and occasionally you find yourself drunk despite therapy. You are unaware of how you will overcome your situation, but you want to solve it.
Dreaming of a bird flying into a window could also represent a new opportunity or idea coming into your life. This representation could be expected or unexpected and may mean progress or change.
For instance, you are an engineer who has worked on small contracts. You have perfected your work and one day get an offer to be in charge of a big project. You have been waiting for this chance to show the quality of your work. A good job is what you plan to do to make a name for yourself for future contracts.
Your dream about a bird flying into a window can mean good luck or good fortune. This sign could be a positive omen or a sign that good things are coming your way.
Maybe you have been struggling to get on screen as an actor. No movie producer has shown interest in you until one time when you are allowed to do a set. Most movie producers and directors are looking for you because they believe you can make a good actor.
What does it mean to dream about birds in your house?

Seeing birds in your house in your dream might symbolize your wish for deliverance and autonomy. Your dream may also mean you feel restricted or confined in your waking life.
Maybe you are sick and cannot do most of your things alone. You feel like you are burdening those around you with your needs. You wish for a time when you’ll be healthy enough to depend on your strength to do most of your things alone.
Dreaming about birds in your house might symbolize a spiritual awakening or a desire for spiritual growth. Maybe you doubt what God can do because you think He is not there. One day you get involved in a road accident and escape with bruises and minor cuts. All the other passengers are seriously injured, and this luck changes your perception of God. You want to get deeper into knowing Him and what He can do.
Dreams of seeing birds in your house might reflect the need for better connections in your relationships or a desire to express yourself more. Maybe you feel you are not romantic enough, and your girlfriends keep leaving you. You want friendly advice from your friends on how they maintain their relationships for a long. You want to work on your communication and act toward your current girlfriend.
Dreams of birds in your house might signify a desire to transcend your situation and move on to something better. Maybe you have been searching for a job without luck. You have been home all along following your graduation and feel uncomfortable about it. You need a job to make the life of your family members better.
What does it mean to dream about birds chirping outside your house?

The birds chirping could represent amnesty and a desire for self-governance. If you feel pinned down or oppressed in your waking life, your dream could symbolize a longing for release and the ability to fly free.
Maybe your parent provides for all your needs and makes them control your decisions. You feel it is wrong and need a chance to decide for yourself. Looking for a job is your goal because you want to make decisions for yourself.
Dreams about birds chirping outside your house could mean you notice the passing of time and the differences that come with it. Imagine that you were born in the twentieth century and are currently in the twenty-first century. You have witnessed many happenings in your waking life and feel uncomfortable about the current generation. Soon things might not be as before and will harm the world.
Dreaming of birds chirping could represent positive emotions and a sense of joy. Maybe you neglected your duties when your wife got pregnant. You even moved out of the house because of your fear of responsibility for your wife and the baby. When the baby is born, one looks at it and feels like one needs to change because it’s like a blessing sent your way.
Birds chirping outside your house in your dream could mean happiness and fulfillment in your waking life. Maybe you are in a relationship with a girl you have been wooing for a long time. You feel like she’s the most precious gift you could ever ask for in your waking life. You are contented with her and wouldn’t want to look for any other lady.
What does it mean to dream of birds eating bread crumbs?

Birds are often associated with liberation, the ability to soar and explore, and rising above your circumstances. For instance, you have been under the control of a boss who doesn’t see your worth. You feel you can create something from your freedom if you quit your current job. Your boss has been limiting your progress, and you think working alone will make you better.
Birds may also symbolize your desire to break free from limitations or constraints. You may feel the need to find a new perspective on a situation.
Maybe you are a musician and part of a band that is not doing well. You think you can do better on your own and that the band is delaying your rise to fame. You think you should separate from the group and start singing alone.
Maybe you can succeed alone rather than failing in a group. You feel that you have all it takes to be better and do better in your music career.
Dreaming of bread crumbs alternatively can represent a trail or path you are following. The crumbs could also reflect leaving a trail for others to follow. They may also symbolize the need to find your way or progress toward your goal.
Maybe your father has always been your role model in how he has been handling your mother. He has been gentle, and you feel it is what has been holding your family together. The world needs more men like your father, and it makes you walk in his footsteps. You also want to raise your children how you got raised to make them better people.
What does it mean to dream about blackbirds?

Blackbirds in your dream may reflect anxiety, depression, or worry about something in your life. For example, you used part of your school fee to buy something unnecessary. Your exams are approaching, and you should clear your balance before sitting for the exams. You are unaware of how to raise the amount, and this gets you stressed and worried about how you’ll handle this situation.
Dreaming about blackbirds may suggest that you are going through a significant transfiguration or conversion in your life. Maybe you used to react negatively to certain situations because you are too quick to judge. Something happens to you, making you change your perception of some situations in life. You are now ready to listen to people’s side of the story and feel better about this.
Your dreams about blackbirds may indicate that you are grieving or feeling a sense of loss in your waking life. Maybe you lost a friend to a road accident and feel sad about it. It is an event you never expected, and as much as you don’t show your sadness, it is eating you up. People have different ways of grieving, and yours may be by remembering your friend and suffering alone.
Dreams about blackbirds may suggest that you are feeling free and unencumbered in your life. You may also be seeking more liberty and autonomy.
Maybe your parents won’t allow you to be out past a specific time. You however feel that you are old enough to take care of yourself past those hours. You think you need to stay alone to have self-rule.
What does a bluebird mean in a dream?

Dreams about bluebirds may symbolize happiness, joy, and hope. They can also represent the arrival of good news or a positive change in your life.
For example, you have been undergoing chemotherapy for your cancer. You have been adhering to all the doctor’s instructions because you want to get back on your feet. Your doctor calls to inform you that you have improved, and your cancer may be gone.
Bluebirds in your dream may represent divulgence or the desire to connect with others. For example, your son stammers and is struggling to make to communicate. You can see his attempts to try and communicate effectively. Most of his friends may not get what he says or may misquote what he says, and it’s demoralizing to him. This feeling makes you start looking for a solution to help him communicate with others effectively.
Dreams of bluebirds may symbolize emancipation or the desire for liberation. For instance, you are in a toxic relationship and have an abusive boyfriend. You are afraid of talking to people about it because he might harm you. You are longing for freedom from him through him getting sick or dying because you are tired of him.
Bluebirds in a dream may also symbolize jubilation or contentment. Maybe you have been looking for a job to help attend to your financial needs. You have been leaving your contacts at all the places in case of a vacancy. You one day get a call to report to work because of a vacant position. You were never expecting the call, and are so delighted about the call. You think you need to stay alone to have self-rule.
What does it mean to dream of fighting birds?

Dreaming about fighting birds can reflect conflict or disagreement in your waking life. The birds in your dream may represent different aspects of yourself or the people in your life.
Maybe you have an ancestral land that is supposed to get divided equally amongst your family. Some of your siblings think that it should get divided concerning age. This suggestion starts a heated argument among you, and everyone is not in agreement.
Dreams about birds fighting could manifest your hostility or a desire to assert yourself in some situations. Imagine that you have depression, and it is interfering with your mental state. Someone makes fun of you, and it is not pleasing at all. You then get mad and hit them or do something terrible that hurts them. You feel that they should not joke about your state because you are not mentally okay and might do something not because you like it.
If the birds in your dream are offensive and attacking you, this could symbolize feelings of weakness. You may have become swamped by external challenges.
Maybe you did something with negative impacts on those around you, and they get to know you. You have to do as they say because you have made their lives unbearable.
In case you are responsible for starting the fight with the birds, this could suggest a desire to contend with yourself. You want to take control of a situation.
For example, a colleague is in charge of a program, and you don’t see it doing well. Since you have expertise in the program, you want to take over for better results at the end of the project.
What does it mean to dream of a bird’s nest?

Dreaming about a nest may symbolize your need for nurturing or the desire to protect and care for others. For example, you are a social worker standing for children’s rights. You feel you are the only person who can understand what children go through. You have all the necessary measures to ensure children have all their rights considered by their guardians or parents. Children also need a voice, and you feel like you are their voice.
Dreaming about a nest may represent your feelings of security and belonging. Maybe you have been lonely at school, and some classmate bullies you. Your teacher notices whatever is going on in your life at school. Your teacher decides to punish all those involved in making your life at school difficult. Your teacher feels that everyone needs to be friendly with each other to make school a better experience for everyone. You feel like your teacher is your guardian at school and makes you feel like you are a part of others.
Dreaming about a nest may symbolize your creative pursuits or the start of a new project or phase in your life. Maybe you have been looking for a job, but all employers tell you there are no chances. You decide to volunteer at a firm to explore more about the firm and how its operations get done.
You now understand the firm and stand a greater chance of employment in case of a vacancy. You know this was a long shot, but it might pay in the future because you had no other option but to be inventive in your reasoning.
What does it mean to dream of finding an abandoned bird’s nest?

The abandoned bird’s nest in your dream may symbolize loss or abandonment in your waking life. This loss could be related to a relationship, a career, or any other aspect of your life. You may feel a sense of desolation or lack of contentment.
Maybe you think you never got to see your parents after delivery. You think they left you because you were not good for them when they gave you up. After all, they had a poor financial state. You feel alone with no one to guide you whenever you are going wrong.
An abandoned bird’s nest in your dream may signify a need for being cared for in your waking life. This signal could be a need for emotional support or a desire to care for and protect something or someone.
Maybe you have lost someone close to you and feel like you are losing it. You need someone to reassure you that everything will be okay soon. You want to feel like you belong and that people around do care about you and what you are going through.
Dreams about an abandoned bird nest may also represent feelings of isolation or disconnection from others. These feelings could mean you are lonely or disconnected in your waking life and maybe seeking more meaningful links with others.
For example, your colleagues think you are better off than they are. They do not want to associate with you because of how they feel. You have no bad intentions with them, yet they make you feel like you are not part of them.
What does it mean to dream of catching a bird?

Your dream of catching a bird may symbolize your need to capture or achieve something important in your waking life. The bird in your dream may represent a goal or ambition you are working to achieve.
Alternatively, the bird may symbolize a person or a situation you feel you need to “catch” to gain control or power over them. For example, you have done your undergraduate degree but still have no luck in employment. You think that you should upgrade to your postgraduate level. With this level, you can venture into lecturing while waiting to get employed.
Catching a bird in your dream may represent your desire to find discharge or escape a difficult or oppressive situation. Your dream may symbolize your desire to get freed from something holding you back. Whatever it is, it may be preventing you from achieving your goals.
Imagine your teacher wants to be in a relationship with you. You are, however, not interested because your goal at school is to study for a better future. You feel like your teacher is restricting you from concentrating on your studies. Something needs to get done about them.
Dreaming about catching a bird could reflect your feelings of weakness or powerlessness. Your dream could symbolize your feelings of frustration or helplessness if you cannot catch the bird in your dream.
For instance, you helped a friend with some money for an emergency. You told your friend the money is for your rent and they need to refund before your rent due date. The rent due date has arrived, but your friend has not refunded the money, making you annoyed. You do not know how you will explain your situation to your landlord.
What does it mean to dream of feeding birds?

Feeding birds in your dream could represent your desire to foster and care for others. You may be doing this by providing for their needs. Your need could mean you feel responsible or obligated towards others. It could also mean you are looking for ways to be helpful and supportive.
For example, you never had a good childhood with financial needs. Now that you are well off, you have founded a charity organization that helps needy children.
Dreaming about feeding birds could reflect your subconscious need to express your creative impulses and desires for liberation. For instance, at work, your boss is very strict with you because he thinks you are lazy. The fact is you like doing all your duties as quickly as possible so that you can find time to rest. You think your boss is being petty and should get freed from his senseless allegations.
Dreams about feeding birds could demonstrate your wish to connect with the natural world and feel harmonious with your surroundings. Maybe you have always wanted a surrounding filled with trees. Your neighbors, however, cut down trees and do not replace them. You feel this is wrong because a green environment is a healthy environment. You advise your neighbors to replace the cut trees or stop cutting them.
Birds getting fed in your dream can signify a need to connect with others, showcase your creativity, and find peace with your surroundings. Maybe you feel that you have been keeping to yourself a lot. You think sharing your thoughts about a specific topic might be helpful to those it affects. A healthy community is all you want, and you would love to know more about the people surrounding you. You want to be close so that you get to understand the issues going on with your community.
What does it mean to dream of killing a bird?

Killing a bird in your dream may symbolize power and control over your circumstances or other people. It may also reflect aggression or hostility towards someone or something in your waking life.
Maybe someone has done you wrong several times, and you have been forgiving. The person has not been noticing your leniency and continues to wrong you. You feel that the person is becoming disrespectful, and you should teach them a lesson. You want to get the respect you deserve even if you have to hurt them.
The death of a bird in your dream may represent the end of something or the loss of something important to you. It could be a relationship or a job.
For instance, your girlfriend disrespects you because she thinks you are weak. She keeps talking to you however she wants and embarrasses you in public. You want to end your relationship due to a lack of respect, or you might do something harmful to her.
Dreams of killing a bird may also symbolize a desire to escape from something hindering your success. Maybe a friend likes exploiting you for your benefit to them. This act is not good behavior considering you call each other friends. You think you need a new friend who uplifts you as you also help them. Ending your friendship is the only option you have for you to be successful.
Dreaming of killing a bird may reflect your need to relieve yourself of an old aspect or a desire to transition and develop. For example, you have always been quick to get angry whenever joked with. You think everything said to you is meant to be offensive. This behavior makes you have a dull environment, and you feel you should be open to getting joked with and joking with others.
What does it mean to dream of seeing dead birds?

Seeing a dead bird in a dream may symbolize the completion of something. Your dream may also represent losing something or someone important to you.
Maybe you stayed with your grandmother after your parents died. Your grandmother has been your guardian, and you regarded her as the parents you never had. She suddenly falls ill and succumbs to her illness, and you are left alone again. This is not fair because the only family you had is no more.
A dead bird in your dream may reflect a lack of vitality or energy. Your dream may show your feelings of getting drained or exhausted.
For example, you are working two jobs to afford a good lifestyle. Both jobs are demanding, but you have to do them all. Every day, you go home completely exhausted and cannot find time for your children. You feel that the jobs are taking everything from you.
Dreams of a dead bird may symbolize hopelessness or despair. It may reflect feelings of powerlessness or helplessness in a particular situation.
Maybe you are getting sponsored by your uncle for school. Your uncle suddenly falls ill and gets bedridden for a long time. You feel that your wishes of finishing school are no more because your only hope has got taken away.
Dreaming of a dead bird may symbolize a lack of connection with others. Your dream may show feelings of isolation or disconnection from others.
Maybe you feel insecure about talking to other people about yourself. You’d rather have an issue stress you to death than share it.
What does it mean to dream of bird poop?

Dreaming of bird poop may represent being overwhelmed or burdened by something in your life. Maybe you have been diagnosed with a terminal illness and have to take medications for life. You feel that doing this daily is tiring. Sometimes you forget to take your medicine, and you have to start again. You cannot bear this and want to give up and let fate take its course.
A dream of a bird pooping on you reflects violation or pollution by something or someone in your waking life. For example, you love staying alone because it gives you the peace and quietness you need. You decide to accommodate your friend at your place for a while, but it does not go as planned. Your friend uses most of your items, making you feel disrespected. You do not like sharing some personal effects, and you think your friend should also have the same thought.
Bird poop in your dream may be a message from your subconscious conveying the fear of getting dumped on or taken advantage of by someone. For example, you are a financially stable guy with a good job. You are every girl’s dream husband, but every lady you find is only interested in your wealth. This character makes you fear getting into relationships because every lady sees what you can offer financially.
Dreams of bird poop may emanate from a sense of being in a dirty or unsanitary situation. For example, you get used by your boss to steal money from your company. You are now in trouble because investigations are ongoing, and you may be the only one linked to the crime. You might get fired because of your stupidity, and your boss left because he did not get involved.
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Dream interpretation and symbology have fascinated me ever since I read Freud’s classic, “The Interpretation of Dreams.” Ever since, I have explored Christian, Jewish, Hindu, and Buddhist as well as Jungian psychological ideas about the meaning of dreams. Thanks for joining me in my exploration of the amazing intersection between our conscious waking world and the rich expanse of our subconscious-the home of our intuition, instincts, and hidden potential.