Spiritual meaning of forgetting dreams

Many people get excited when they finally experience lucid dreaming, a dream where you feel like a director calling the shots as to what you experience in your dream. But it can get scary real quickly. In fact, it can even have you wondering about the spiritual meaning of forgetting dreams.

Lucid dreaming gives a tremendous sense of freedom because you are aware that you are in a world that doesn’t exist in terms of your daily reality.

You can do all sorts of things in this fantasy world of yours, and they seem so real.

You can see what’s happening, change things around, and experience different things.

You can even predict stuff that is about to happen.

Totally amazing stuff.

But lucid dreaming only affords you a certain amount of freedom.

This is especially true if you just started to dream this way.

Believe it or not, it takes a lot of work to achieve that kind of mental and spiritual discipline.

One of the more disturbing elements of lucid dreaming involves forgetting dreams.

Remember that lucid dreaming is where you can see yourself dreaming, and sometimes it’s a dream within a dream within a dream.

But just like most with other people, you can be easily thrown off if you see yourself dreaming and then realize that you’ve forgotten your dreams.

There are many different ways to interpret this, but I will go through the spiritual meaning of forgetting dreams in this post.

Why Do We Forget Our Dreams?

If you dream about forgetting your dreams, it is only a reflection of how your dreams work on a day-to-day basis.

Every night, believe it or not, you are bound to go into deep REM sleep at least once.

This is where you have your most vivid dreams, but depending on what happens during and after your dream, you might forget your dream.

For example, if I dreamt of cute puppies and amazing kittens, I may have a good time in my dream and get the impression that I came across an important insight or revelation about my waking life.

But if that dream is followed by several uneventful dreams, which lead me to unstable sleep where I’m stressed and uneasy, I might not remember my dreams about the puppies and kittens.

I might not even know the dream existed because my mental camera’s focus and attention are centered on my last experience.

Since I was uncomfortable in my bed for the last 30 minutes or enough time had passed after my puppies and kittens dreams, I had forgotten about them.

This is the most common way we forget our dreams.

The other alternative is when your pleasant dreams are followed by dreams that have very common themes.

For example, you see a doorknob, and it’s the focus of your dream, or you’re focusing on the ceiling or sky.

A lot of these are packed with deep personal spiritual, and philosophical meanings, but they are commonplace objects.

It’s not like you had a dream about the devil reaching out from a blood-soaked sky, punching down into your heart, and pulling your soul.

That kind of dream imagery is sure to wake anybody up.

So when you dream of commonplace dream symbols and they’re followed by something more interesting or exotic, chances are you won’t remember the earlier dreams.

Their symbols are too commonplace, and whatever truths they may teach you about your subconscious and innermost thoughts and memories are simply forgotten.

This is true when it comes to nightmares.

Even if you had a fairly interesting and gripping dream involving important symbols that you need to pick apart because they yield many truths about the life you’re living, you would probably forget about them after a nightmare.

How to Avoid Forgetting Your Dreams?

The most basic way to avoid forgetting your dream is to resolve to wake up after an interesting dream.

This doesn’t happen overnight because it takes quite a bit of willpower to wake yourself up after having an interesting dream, but you are likely to freeze the dream images in your mind if you wake right after having them.

You are also likely to remember them.

Start Journaling

Another way you can remember your dreams is to write them down.

If you pair this with intentionally waking up after an interesting dreams like a wet dream or a dream about disaster or fantastical figures like dragons, journaling can pretty much lock in your memories of your dream.

Journaling also gives you the benefit of developing mental and emotional discipline as to which details to look out for and record.

This is very important because many people want to focus only on the overarching symbol of their dream, such as a witch casting a hex on them and their eyes and skin start to melt and all that stuff.

They get all emotionally caught up in what the witch did that they cannot zero in on the context and other details.

So it’s important to do this the right way.

Journaling can give you the mental focus you need to remember your dream.

The Spiritual Symbolism of Forgetting Dreams

The biggest challenge of forgetting dreams is dreams often contain clues that can help us make sense of our daily waking world.

Your subconscious, after all, is picking up all sorts of signals that you’re unaware of.

Maybe you have certain emotional and mental habits, and you tend to focus on certain things and forget about everything else.

Just because you don’t see them, it doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

Just because you’re not fully aware of them or focused on them doesn’t mean they don’t have an impact on your life.

There are many situations where people are caught by surprise by certain developments, but had they been more mindful or self-aware, they could’ve foreseen these things a mile away.

Their priorities were focused on one thing instead of another, or maybe they were too busy and distracted.

Whatever the case may be, your subconscious is always aware.

It is hard to fool. It cannot be tricked.

It’s always picking up signals from the outside world, and it can connect the dots and make sense of your world for you.

It’s important to keep this in mind when wrapping your head around the spiritual symbolism of forgetting your dreams.

The Crucial Spiritual Message of Forgotten Dreams

The ultimate meaning behind forgotten dreams has a lot to do with the fact that you’ve forgotten about them, just as the specific contextual meaning of those symbols.

It would be great to remember these symbols and how they relate to your daily waking life.

You can definitely benefit tremendously from this type of awareness, but you cannot lose sight of the fact that there’s a greater symbolism and meaning behind the fact that you’ve forgotten about your dream.

What does it mean when you go through this process? What does it mean when you see this happening?

A lot of the literature about dream interpretation is quite mixed regarding this concept.

In broad terms, the spiritual symbolism of forgetting dream images is that you’re focused on something and that your mind is processing something that it thinks is more important.

After all, you’d be surely fixated on other dreams if they were personally important to you, but instead, you are focused on something else.

This indicates your present spiritual orientation.

This is neither good nor bad.

We have different tendencies. Some people go by their feelings while others go by how they can help others, while some focus more on what other people think.

Even others are preoccupied with comparing themselves with other people.

What makes these coping mechanisms and their different variations good or bad is contextual.

Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, and a bad thing can’t be all that bad in the right context. It can even be quite good.

I hope you understand where I’m coming from.

The big danger is reducing everything into black and white construction where things are either always good or always bad.

It’s usually not that simple.

The Bad News About Forgetting Dreams

When you constantly forget your dreams, it can indicate that your spiritual aspect is very weak.

Maybe you don’t meditate or try to give yourself enough quiet time.

Perhaps you don’t put much value in quieting your mind and allowing yourself to be present at the moment.

Whatever the case may be, your distrust and skepticism of tapping into your inner serenity put you in a position where you’re not aligned with your spiritual purpose.

Regardless of whether they believe in a higher power or not, every human being has a purpose encapsulated in their soul.

It’s hard to believe in any life meaning or purpose if you don’t believe in a soul.

These are all interconnected concepts.

Viewed from this perspective, forgetting about your dreams can mean that your dream life or subconscious might be telling you that your attitude about your spiritual side is unhelpful.

It might be getting in the way.

Maybe this aspect of you is positioned so that you’re more prone to negative emotions or easily triggered.

Maybe it doesn’t take much for you to be thrown off track because you can’t master the emotional mix that flares up in you when you think about your past or when people use certain words when talking about you.

This is a practical type of discussion, not an academic one.

If you have a tough time focusing on things you need to do for work or sticking with a plan until it’s complete, this has to do with your emotional fragility.

You have to understand that the rational side is inseparable from your emotional side.

A lot of people think that they will be okay if they focus only on what makes sense and use logic and reason.

If only things were that easy.

But if you look at how their lives turn out and how they normally decide on things, you will see something wrong.

You have to accept that you have an emotional side that can be chaotic, scary, unpredictable, and unformed.

But just because you can’t reduce it into a cold, antiseptic equation that constantly yields predictable calculations doesn’t mean that you have to cast it out.

It doesn’t mean that you should deny or fear this aspect of yourself.

Instead, by recognizing that this is what’s happening in you and eventually embracing it as a part of who you are, you will begin to draw its power.

Pretty soon, you will realize that this is a crucial part of your entire persona that gives you the ability to shape reality.

This is part of your real day-to-day life.

We Tend to Forget Dreams Because of Changes In Our Waking Lives

Our conscious mind has difficulty processing a lot of information.

After all, it can only monitor so many things before it starts falling into a looping pattern.

It can only process so much information and connect everything to a narrative.

It can also mean that you’re experiencing sleep problems like insomnia.

Difficulty in sleeping is usually a stand-in or an indicator of something deeper.

Even if you can get some shuteye, you may not reach deep sleep or REM sleep.

No wonder your dreams seem warped, clipped, and distorted.

All of this can indicate that you need to be aware of the changes in your life and try to manage them.

You can’t stop change. It’s not like you can snap your finger to make them go away, but you can change your attitude towards them.

What If You Remember Only Your Good Dreams?

As I mentioned in the opening of this blog post, people tend to remember dreams that are negative.

You can have all the good dreams you can, but you will forget about them most of the time.

You only need to dream about something fantastical or devastating for you to wake up in a cold sweat.

As you chase your breath, all you can think about are the gripping images that plague your mind.

Maybe you dreamt that your body was crawling with bedbugs.

Maybe you were in a lucid dream stage, and you saw yourself forgetting your dreams.

But the truth is, the spiritual meaning of this is you’re able to choose.

You can remember good dreams if you want to.

You can plan and take the necessary steps to remember your dreams, but you’re not doing that.

So on a spiritual level, this can indicate a reminder that you’re more in control than you give yourself credit for.

A Lot of People Like to Remember Bad Dreams

I know it sounds perverse, even ridiculous.

Why would anyone in their right mind want to hang onto nightmare-like or disturbing dreams?

Why would anyone let go of pleasant dreams and focus on dreams that would make them feel scared, angry, worried, or unsettled?

This thinking assumes too much because different people have different ways of coping with reality.

Maybe you’re the kind who cannot handle good news.

There’s an old saying in the US Navy, “You know somebody’s happy because all he does is complain. Be scared when he stops complaining.”

The same applies to many types of people.

You know things are going well in their lives when they are focused on the small, petty, insignificant yet negative things.

When everything is said and done, those things are easily forgotten, and most people can see the stuff that really matters.

But negative people can only talk and pick on things that give off petty annoyances.

The same applies to your dreams because you’re going to have many dreams every night, and you are likely to focus on the negative ones, as in with most people.

You focus on disturbing dreams because that’s how the human mind works.

We don’t spend much time on how things are going right, but we focus on what’s missing.

So your subconscious is telling you, on a spiritual level, that you’re focusing too much on what you think you should have.

It would be great to remember dreams that lead to realizations of completion, satisfaction, and serenity from time to time.

The Other Meaning of Forgetting Dreams

When you cannot remember your dreams, this can indicate that you will experience failure.

People have the impression that they have failed if things don’t work out.

They are clueless about the dark power that is holding them back against their success.

That power is not a third-party; it’s not a coalition of people out to keep them down.

This dark power arises from deep inside them as a combination of their fears, insecurities, and unwillingness to explore.

You need to pay attention to this aspect of yourself because the sad reality is that nobody can undermine and sabotage your success more effectively than yourself.

Projecting Fear to Others

It’s perfectly natural to fear failure.

Who wants to waste their time? Who wants to butt their heads against the wall for a long time only to give up?

Nobody wants to go through that.

As much as possible, you want to swing that bat and hit a home run the first time around.

But unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way.

There are many relationships and business situations where we do our best every day only for all that time, effort, and energy to yield nothing.

It only takes a couple of times for us to see this pattern for us to want to avoid failure like the plague.

So, what do we do?

We refuse to learn from failure, and in many cases, we even refuse to recognize failure.

Forgetting Your Dreams Is An Indication of A Spiritual Journey

When you forget dreams in a lucid dreaming environment, your subconscious tells you that there’s a part of you that just wants to give up.

There’s a part of you that is so afraid of failure that it just wants to quit.

And this is where it gets really rough because by quitting, you’re not withdrawing from reality, but you want to stay the way you are.

You don’t want to try, risk, worry about disappointments and failures.

This might seem like a decent strategy at a fairly superficial level, but if you think about it seriously, this thinking leads to a dead end.

Sure, you’re not trying, but that pretty much guarantees that nothing good will happen to you because if you don’t try, you don’t gain.

If you don’t risk the chance of experiencing pain, you don’t gain.

The more you hesitate when it comes to your efforts, the more you plant the seeds of failure.

The Spiritual Symbolism of Trying and Failing

To truly succeed, you must learn from your actions.

Notice that I didn’t say, “you need to take successful action.”

You just need to learn so when you take an action that doesn’t lead you to where you want to go, you understand why it produced the result it did.

This type of thinking will eventually lead you to make the moves at the right place at the right time to produce the right outcome.

It also will pave the way for you to remember to do certain things when required.

These are the raw ingredients for success which then paves the way for another opportunity to take action.

One of the most spiritually corrupting realities behind the idea of success is the one-time, big-time mindset.

According to this faulty mindset, you only have to do the right thing at a specific time, and you are set for a long period.

That’s not the reality.

To climb higher and higher in the value chain of life, you have to keep taking action and risks and keep improvising because every situation is likely different.

Of course, when you’re leveling up, some situations are greatly different from what happened before.

No roadmap will take you from point A to point B.

Point B is similar enough to point A to a certain degree, but there are still dark shadows.

There are still a lot of undiscovered corners that you need to find the courage to go through.

Unfortunately, many people are scared of this process because they’ve been through it several times, and they are tired.

But there is no shortcut.

No matter how you define success, whether in terms of relationships, health, personal well-being, or in more material terms, if you allow yourself to stop trying, then you have failed.

At that point, you’re no longer risking and learning.

Do you think the world will stop? Do you think it will operate according to your set of rules at some point? Of course not.

And you know that your failure has become final when a sense of regret comes over you.

Dream Example #1

Dreams are unconscious thoughts that our brain makes during our sleep. Most of the time, as soon as I wake up, I always try to remember what I have dreamt. I am trying to see if I have dreamt of something or none at all.

There will be times that I know I have dreamt of something interesting. And no matter how hard I try to remember, I still cannot recall it. And sometimes, it can be frustrating. I thought that it is natural to have no dream because I often cannot recollect any. Until I knew that we always dream every time we sleep.

They say that we dream a lot during our sleep (hundreds of different dreams). We forget about these dreams and are not be able to remember anything about them.

It made me thought about how did I forget these vivid dreams that happened in my mind? If everybody dreams a lot during their sleep, why cannot I remember any?

Most of us believe that every dream has its corresponding meaning. And “forgetting the dream” itself has its spiritual sense.

People who forget their dreams ignored valuable aspects of their life. One of which is their souls. It means, if one is not associated with his spiritual being, he is likely to forget his dreams.

The statement above is convincing. I play mobile games for hours. I invested my time in a relationship that was not worth it. In short, my attention was on the less meaningful things. I did not realize that I neglected something important aspect of my life – my spiritual life.

I seldom pray, and I only go to church during holidays. I paid the least of my attention to my spiritual life and could be the cause why I cannot recall my dreams.

The forgetting of dreams has different ways of interpretation. They say it is our brain that forgets these unconscious thoughts in purpose. To prevent the overload of information that our brain receives. For others, it is our soul that clears our minds. It is to prepare us for a more meaningful message from the dream world.

They say that dreams help us on making decisions in our lives. And it is our spiritual beings that guide us in making these decisions. So, our soul cleanses our minds to perceive a specific message from different sources. It can be from God, other exterior forces, and it could be even yourself. And if we don’t dream, our spiritual self cannot reach out to help us.

If we have thought about it, dreams are only “dreams.” Others thought of it as the fruits of our imagination. For some, it is a realm where you can do or be anything that seems impossible in the real world. And to some, they hold meaning that represents the present or future life situation.

We never thought that somehow, it could influence our decisions and outlooks in life. But, whether it is a forgotten dream or not, it may hold a meaningful message. But one’s destiny still depends on his hands.

Dream Example #2

Dreams are as ancient as human beings. They are also known as psychological phenomena. Only human beings are capable of seeing dreams.

We can see dreams only in our sleep because at that moment the body is at rest and the mind. Dreams are a reflection of the daily life experiences of people. Aristotle said that dreams are the impressions left by objects seen with the eyes on the body.

Many people dream about forgetting. When you wake up and focus on something around you, you forget your dream. You don’t remember what happened and cannot explain it in words.

Dreaming about forgetting means that you are not able to overcome things. You have to turn the page, but they have effects on you. You have to look into the future and put the past behind you.

Dreaming about forgetting means you are going through difficult moments. You want all suffering removed from your life. These sufferings affect you. You want some time to meditate on things and to understand your surroundings.

Forgetting dreams makes space for the existence of new ones. They have some messages. Our soul urges us to start cleaning. It helps us to perceive a certain message through the dream world in a correct manner. This means that the soul creates a dream scenario.

It prepares the dreamer to accept these contents psychologically.

A lot of the time happens that you forget your dreams. But you are pretty sure that you had one. In a spiritual case, it may show that you have neglected some crucial parts of your life, such as your soul.

Sigmund Freud was the father of psychoanalysis. He talked about the things which we don’t remember after dreaming. They give us a sign that we hold back our emotions and desires. Forgetting dreams acts as a defence mechanism.

They protect us from difficult situations that we find hard to accept. We may not remember the dream because it is not comprehensible to our conscious mind. It happens to us during sleep.

We may dream about fanciful things, but they are not able to transfer to our conscious mind.

A lot of people have interpreted that dreaming of forgetting is a symbol of abundance and success. Dreaming of forgetting may be a threat to your mind to erase the memories you dislike. That acts as a draft.

To forget dreams on rare occasions shows that there may be a failure in our lives. But most times it is a matter of misbalance that’s solved by the spiritual self to accept things more than usual.

Forgetting dreams have their purpose. They make you feel reborn. They will affect the daily life that you want to plan things again or distance yourself from things. You have to understand the meaning of such dreams so you can realize why you dream about them.

You should sleep well so that you can remember your dreams. You can also write down a few words which may help in remembering your dreams.

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